What Is the Best Artificial Intelligence Software?

Artificial intelligence software is bringing revolutionary shifts to a wide range of business sectors. Finance, healthcare, manufacturing and transportation are just a few of the industries that are gaining new levels of efficiency and performance thanks to AI. Virtually any organization can benefit from the smart automation and predictive insights AI enables.

As a result, AI software development is in demand. Organizations from startups to large enterprises are looking to invest in AI software development to gain an early advantage in this technology. For developers, AI can present a steep learning curve. However, there is a growing number of platforms and tools to assist in the process.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Artificial Intelligence
  • What Can Artificial Intelligence Do
  • What Are the Steps in AI Software Development
  • General-Purpose AI Software Development Platforms
  • Specialized AI Software Development Platforms
  • AI Software APIs
  • Conclusion

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

“Artificial intelligence” is the umbrella term for computer systems that simulate human thinking. Machine learning is a subcategory of AI that uses algorithms to process and learn from data. As a result, machine learning systems can make decisions without being specifically programmed to do so. Deep learning uses neural networks that mimic the activity of neurons in the human brain to reach conclusions without human intervention.

Neural networks use “layers” of algorithms to simulate this process. The first layer receives the input data. The algorithm processes it and sends what it has “learned” to the next layer. This procedure is repeated through all of the remaining layers. The output is a prediction of the target result.

For example, a deep learning model might be tasked with distinguishing pictures of cats from pictures of dogs. In supervised learning, the input data would include labels identifying cats and dogs. In unsupervised learning, the input data would not have labels. The algorithm would have to identify patterns in the images on its own. During the training process, the algorithm’s output is used to evaluate the model’s success.

Training a deep learning model requires a massive amount of data. OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, which powers ChatGPT-4, has 175 billion parameters and was trained using 570GB of textual data. Powerful computer chips are needed to handle the computational intensity of AI applications. Software developers must learn how to write code that can take full advantage of the capabilities of these chips.

What Can Artificial Intelligence Do?

At the most basic level, AI refers to a system that exhibits any type of intelligent behavior. A complex decision tree can be considered AI — the system accepts data inputs, analyzes them based on a series of if-then parameters, and reaches a conclusion. It doesn’t “learn,” so it’s not machine learning. Examples include Google Translate and speech and image recognition.

Machine learning applications are trained using input data, although the datasets are much smaller than with deep learning. Examples include social media recommendations and email spam filters.

Today’s advanced AI applications are based on deep learning. Probably the best-known example is ChatGPT, which uses natural language processing to respond to questions and write original text. Deep learning systems can also compose music and create artwork. Some virtual assistants use deep learning, as do self-driving cars. In healthcare, deep learning is used to diagnose disease by processing medical imaging

What Are the Steps in AI Software Development?

Planning is the key to success in AI software development. Here are the basic steps to follow:

1. Determine the problem to be solved.

This is the first step in any software development project, and will drive many other decisions in the planning process.

2. Collect and prepare the data to be used to train the AI model.

The data must be related to the problem to be solved. It should also represent the scenarios the AI model will encounter in the real world.

3. Choose an AI technology.

In addition to machine learning and deep learning, developers can use natural language processing, pattern recognition, speech recognition, computer vision and many others. The choice will depend on the problem to be solved.

4. Build, train and test the model.

This, of course, is the most difficult step. Developers will need at least basic expertise in AI and data science. It’s important to define metrics for evaluating the model’s accuracy, reliability and performance.

5. Deploy the model and monitor the predictions.

The model should be deployed in a production environment similar to the one used for training. Monitoring is essential for identifying incorrect predictions and problems the model cannot solve.

What Is the Best Artificial Intelligence Software?

General-Purpose AI Software Development Platforms

Developing AI software requires different techniques than other applications. Developers who are new to AI software will face a steep learning curve. However, the major cloud providers offer platforms that promise to simplify the AI development process. These tools mask some of the complexity associated with AI software development, although each comes with its own learning curve.

Choosing the right platform depends in large part upon the problem to be solved. Each platform incorporates different technologies and services, and has different strengths and weaknesses.

· Azure Machine Learning. Microsoft’s platform features tools for machine learning, deep learning and cognitive services. It also integrates with popular Microsoft development tools.

· Google Cloud AI Platform. Google’s platform offers prebuilt models for natural language processing, speech recognition and other tasks. It also supports the open source TensorFlow software framework Google developed. Thorough documentation is available.

· IBM Watson. Designed for question-and-answer models, IBM Watson uses machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing. It includes development tools, APIs and prebuilt services. It also integrates with a variety of business applications.

Specialized AI Software Development Platforms

In addition to general-purpose AI software development platforms, there are solutions designed for specific use cases. Some are easier to use than others. A few of the popular ones include the following:

· H2O AI is an open source tool used primarily for business applications in the financial services, healthcare, and telecommunications sectors.

· Infosys XtractEdge helps organizations simplify and automate complex tasks. It uses machine learning and natural language processing to extract data from documents.

· Observe.AI uses natural language processing, speech recognition and transcription to analyze customer conversations for call centers.

· Viso Suite is a no-code computer vision platform that enables businesses to create applications for object counting, weapons detection, license plate recognition and more.

AI Software APIs

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are sets of definitions and protocols enabling two or more software modules to communicate with one another. Developers commonly use APIs to integrate software and exploit an existing application’s functionality. For example, when an e-commerce site allows a customer to make a purchase using PayPal, the site communicates with the PayPal service using an API.

There are many AI APIs available today, and they offer a relatively easy way for developers to integrate AI functionality into their software.

· Amazon Alexa is a popular virtual assistant that can understand multiple languages and perform many tasks on command. Developers can use Amazon Alexa APIs to build new Alexa “skills” (interactive voice services) into their applications and devices.

· BigML makes it easy to automate a wide range of complex analytical tasks. The API allows even beginning developers to create AI apps with a high level of proficiency.

· Google Assistant also understands multiple languages and supports two-way conversations. Its API can be used to create applications that understand natural language and provide a wide range of voice-enabled functions.

· Salesforce Einstein Language uses natural language processing to categorize the emotion or intent of text. The API enables developers to incorporate these capabilities into business applications.


Many organizations are looking to utilize artificial intelligence to gain competitive advantages. Although advances in computer hardware have made AI more accessible, developing AI software remains a difficult proposition. A growing suite of cloud-based platforms, services and tools promises to simplify the process, but they come with their own learning curves. Choosing the best artificial intelligence software comes down to the specific use case and problem to be solved.